Summarize Written Text

Read the passage below and summarize it using one sentence. Type your response in the box at the bottom of the screen. You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points in the passage.
Time limit: 10:00
Beta Testing

There are over a million apps in the world. Most of these apps have to go through mobile beta testing for them to be relevant in the market. Beta testing allows testing your app’s real-world performance. This allows quality assurance teams to identify and focus on any bugs that will appear. By doing so, it’s assumed that customers can expect the product to work without any problems. Understanding the problems found ahead of time makes the development team efficient. They improved the quality of the product before release. This means they can improve on it during the development process to ensure better quality products at launch. Running a beta test on your product decreases the time for it to market. Understanding customer expectations improve other aspects of the product and improve other processes. Beta testing is also the product management opportunity to get real feedback from users in a real environment. It offers unique insights from the customer’s experience. Doing this also answers questions from a competitive analysis standpoint. Beta testers can record their interaction with the product and uncover any issues that they weren’t aware of. This also allows you to review their interaction with the product. Know what are the challenges they encounter or what they ignore when using your product. Every product has an expected output and flow of action. Through beta testing, you can determine how many of the expected outcomes did the user does. Also, it expands the initial usability studies conducted and see how it performs in the wild.

Word count: 0