myPTE automated scoring system

AI powered PTE scoring
AI scoring
Mar 07, 20223 min read
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Cutting Edge A.I. Powered Scoring

Automated PTE Scoring Algorithm with Instant and Accurate Results

We developed machine-scoring in PTE Mock Test. Our sophisticated algorithms, based on thousands of real test responses, mean that we can mark every single test accurately and consistently.
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Practice 100% PTE practice Questions
Our mock tests contain 100% PTE practice Questions with a minimum of 60% repeating rate, PTE questions are updated regularly and are endorsed by the PTE aspirants community.
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Self-study with AI scoring
MYPTE Mock Tests are designed to simulate the actual PTE Exam testing experience to help users familiarize PTE practice exam patterns, identify strengths and tackle weaknesses using score report.
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Score-card Report with details
AI based score reports will be automatically generated after attempting each question, which clearly displays communicative, enabling as well as the overall score.
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Why MYPTE Portal?

MYPTE AI is an artificial intelligent system that facilitates fully automated PTE scoring. In absence of a human PTE trainer, our virtual trainer is trained to provide you detailed feedback and most effective study plan that reflects your every move within the platform.
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PTE practice Speaking Test

PTE practice Speaking Mock Test is the first section and it includes 5 different sections to test the ability of speaking or oral fluency, pronunciation, intonation, control of language in academic environment. myPTE A.I. powered voice detection and Pitch Detection Technology can identify speaker's word-by-word pronunciation, intonation, and overall fluency score will also be given based on actual PTE score guide marking criteria.
Read Aloud
Repeat Sentence
Describe Image
Retell Lecture
Answer Short Question
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PTE practice Speaking Test

PTE practice Speaking Mock Test is the first section and it includes 5 different sections to test the ability of speaking or oral fluency, pronunciation, intonation, control of language in academic environment. myPTE A.I. powered voice detection and Pitch Detection Technology can identify speaker's word-by-word pronunciation, intonation, and overall fluency score will also be given based on actual PTE score guide marking criteria.
Read Aloud
Repeat Sentence
Describe Image
Retell Lecture
Answer Short Question

Speaking scoring system - Cutting edge A.I. powered speech analysis

Accurate pronunciation detection

myPTE's A.I. powered voice detection software can identify speaker's word-by-word pronunciation.
A combination of vowels, consonants and stress level are assessed for each word.
Detection on proper assimilation and deletion in a continuous speech.
Overall pronounciation score is based on Pearons' PTE score guide marking criteria.

Intelligent fluency calculation

myPTE's A.I. powered voice detection software can identify speaker's speaking pace (word-per-minute) .
Detection on prolonged or abnormal silence between words.
Detection on repetitions at the sentence level.
Overall fluency score is based on Pearons' PTE score guide marking criteria.

Sample Read Aloud A.I. marking

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Writing scoring system - Cutting edge A.I. powered text analysis

myPTE's A.I. powered test analysis software can identify spelling erorrs, grammar errors and more ...
Colour coded marking on different types of error.
Detailed explanation and recommendation for each error.
Overall score is based on Pearons' PTE score guide marking criteria.

Sample Summarise Spoken Text A.I. marking

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Disclaimer: While we endevour to reproduce most accurate scoring system in accordance to the PTE scoring guide, myPTE's automated scoring system is intended to be used as an indicative tool and does not reflect the true PTE practice's internal score.

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